Late roman army

The evolution of the army during the 4th and 5th centuries parallels the political, economic and social changes that took place in the empire era.
The army of well-trained and disciplined Roman citizens disappeared during the political and military chaos of the third century and now it is conformed by smaller and more flexible units.
The objective is to show another kind of Roman army, less known, but which presents a rich and extraordinary information on the evolution of the military world and on the progressive incorporation of equipment and weapons of the peoples and armies of the empire's borders.
Our reconstruction of the late Roman military army is based on a "limitanei" unit located in this period in the city of Veleia (according to the NotitiaDignitatum), called COHORS I GALLICA that gives name to our association. For this, we reproduce the costumes: tunic, trousers, sagum (cloak), belt, footwear, etc. We also manufacture replicas of shields and both personal and artillery weapons.
With this all we show the way in which the Roman army fought in the late antiquity, its tactics, its offensive and defensive maneuvers as well as artillery exhibitions (bow, sling, scorpio, onagro, etc). As well as the different characteristics of clothing, equipment, weapons, life in military service ...

Late roman soldier. Mosaic from Piazza Armerina roman villa.
Reenactment of a
Cohors I Gallica tribune

Late roman officer. Mosaic from Piazza Armerina roman villa.

Reenactment of different late roman officers

IV century Cohors I Gallica auxiliary unit