The cavalry
The cavalry was the eyes and ears of the army, it could explore in the vanguard, looking for signs of the enemy, camping areas, points of wading rivers, sources of food and water supply, etc. It was also used to send messages.
The cavalry units were called Alae by their disposition in the battlefield, always in the wings, that is to say, in the flanks of the infantry to protect it and to defend it of the attacks of the cavalry contrary or of the encircling movements of the enemy. It could also be used to harass and break enemy formation. Many battles were won or lost according to the performance of the cavalry.
In this late period, the cavalry acquires more relevance due to the changes in the way of warfare and the need for greater mobility.

Roman saddle reconstruction
The Cohors I Gallica was formed as an auxiliary infantry unit in 10 AD, but by the end of the 1st century it was transformed into an Equitatae unit, that is, a mixed infantry and cavalry unit.
The association recreates the way of riding and fighting of the late Roman cavalry, counting with replicas of saddles and harness of the time. Riding as the Romans of the late empire did, without stirrups, the equipment of the rider and horse is explained and various galloping exercises are performed like charges with spear, javelin throwing, attack and sword cut.

Decorated greave of an Equite
III century Equite