Other historical dissemination activities

Infant workshops
The development of educational workshops is a simple and suitable way of teaching History to younger people. They will learn how life was in that era through play and a guided learning activity.
Sundial workshops, shield painting, legions manoeuvres, decorating and use of the rhombus (musical instrument), games… accompanied by the members of the association, who are adequately dressed and equipped. Thus, History will be introduced in a more experiential and dynamic way.
Talks and conferences
Among the topics discussed in talks and conferences, the following are emphasised:
Historical reconstruction as a method of education, promotion and dissemination of History, specifically the Late Roman period.
The development of civilian life in the late period of the Roman era.
Roman tactics, equipment and military hardware.
The reconstruction of equipment and experimenting in historical reconstruction.
Some of the talks are related to the set up and the development of monographic exhibitions connected with these same issues or with participation in events of historical reconstruction.

In the exhibition “Reconstruyendo el ejército de la antigua Roma” (Reconstructing the Ancient Rome army), we want to explain the evolution of the Roman auxiliary troops by means of the historical reconstruction. To that end, we use the history of the unit Cohors Prima Gallica, which, in fact, existed, as common thread.
All sorts of reliably reconstructed objects are exhibited which are related to the Roman military: armament, clothing, different kinds of soldier equipment, leisure items, religious items… These are chronologically distributed to help understand their evolution from the 1st to the 4th Century.
In this showing, materials are reconstructions used in various events and activities by the people who collaborate or are part of the association. These materials are shown as they should actually have been, having the same distinction and appearance as the objects made to be used in that period.
Thus, understanding the evolution of the equipment and weapons of the soldiers from the Ancient Rome is very educational for the visitors. The most characteristic elements are emphasised in order to get a clear, simple and organized vision of the changes produced over almost five centuries.

Historical consultancy
It is one of the activities carried out by the Association at the request of other organizations or individuals, who demand information about aspects such as Late Roman period, the production of materials and equipment, experimenting with the use of several elements or even the knowledge on methodology and implementation of the historical reconstruction.
We can also include the cooperation to the set up and the development of exhibitions related to these subjects in this section.